The soon to be developed second suburban release, Lawson Two (Englobo site) on the Lake Ginninderra foreshore, is 43 hectares of spectacular land on the shores of Lake Ginninderra. As part of the ACT Government’s commitment to provide more affordable housing for Canberrans, Lawson Two will include 80 affordable dwellings, 20 community dwellings and 24 public housing dwellings.
The Lawson Foreshore area follows Lake Ginninderra as it connects to Ginninderra Creek in the north. Access to Lawson Foreshore is via the Pedestrian Path as it winds underneath Ginninderra Bridge. It is directly to the west of the ActewAGL Substation opposite Aikman Drive.
The Foreshore area is less travelled and offers offbeat tracks and places to wander amongst the bush surrounds.